5880 Barefoot Ln

Here is information about 5880 Barefoot Ln located in the oceanfront Shorepine Village community in Pacific City, Oregon. The full address is as follows:

5880 Barefoot Ln
Pacific City, Oregon 97135

Note that we have also seen some maps that have the address as 5880 Barefoot Ln, Cloverdale, OR 97112. Regardless, USPS does not offer mail delivery service directly to the property.

What is the size of 5880 Barefoot Ln?
The home sizes in Shorepine Village range from 1176 to 2317 square feet. 5880 Barefoot Ln is 1508 square feet. The average size of the homes in Shorepine Village is 1508 square feet and the median is 1509 square feet. Therefore, the size of 5880 Barefoot Ln is about average compared to other properties in Shorepine Village.

What year was 5880 Barefoot Ln built?
Shorepine Village was built in three phases over a 12-year period. It started in 1996 and finished in 2007. For the most part, Phase 1 was built from 1996 to 2003, Phase II was built from 2003 to 2006, and Phase III was built from 2006 to 2007. The property 5880 Barefoot Ln is part of Phase 1 and was built in 1997.

What is the Property Tax for 5880 Barefoot Ln?
The property is located in Tillamook County. The tax district for 5880 Barefoot Ln includes Nestucca Valley, Tillamook Bay, Tillamook County, and more. The Tillamook County account number to pay the property taxes is 398415 (Map 4S1124AD02232). To see the latest tax bill with detailed information about the amount due, where the bill was sent and so on, go to Tax Statement for account 398415.

Who owns 5880 Barefoot Ln?
A list of current owner(s), and the percent of the property each owner owns, is available in Tillamook County records: Owners for account 398415

What is the lot number for 5880 Barefoot Ln?
The properties in Shorepine Village are often referred to by their Lot Number. The Lot number for 5880 Barefoot Ln is 31.

We do our best to make sure that the information on this page is correct, but make no guarantees. Please contact us if you have additional helpful information about 5880 Barefoot Lane.

Shorepine Village Properties
Go here to see a list of all the properties in Shorepine Village.

5885 Barefoot Ln
Here is the next property in Shorepine Village that we have information about.

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